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Him....The Beauty of him captivated me, or could it be how green his eyes were, Green happens to be my favorite color.. I never tho...

Tuesday, February 21, 2017

Ehs Rains (2014)

Ehs rains...Tonight ehs rains with agony...
her pain being seen through the strikes of lightning...
her screams being heard through the thunder...
ehs rains...
Tonight ehs rains with hope that we all see her...hoping that someone can save her....
ehs casts these dark clouds in her sky...to unseen her...Imperfection
her rain is crying..crying for the beauty in which ehs does not see....
ehs rains....
Tonight ehs rains with no warning..yes ehs rains ...but ehs rains with such beauty in which I see..
Ehs rains....
her rain is of such beauty to me....
We love Her rain!...

You and Me (2015)

When we were great it was great, but when we were bad it was bad, although we had our moments I remember the beauty, there was you, there was me, there was we. Then came the babies, such beautiful babies together WE created these little beings. These beings of life that would unite a light in us forever. years....then years happened, things got rocky and things got bumpy

The foundation started cracking I couldn't figure out what the hell it was that was lacking...Lacking oh but it was lacking. So my mind got stuck......FUCK it was stuck, my vision got blurry my words started slurring causing my family to worry...but I wasn't worried, I was to busy being free..you see I was free, from the pressure of US...Time...time has passed......Now I find myself in this courtroom where WE turned into You against ME and ME against YOU...is this it???? My mind keeps repeating 7...7 7 7 7..years, 7 years of my life was yours, it was ours

Im looking at you looking at me, but I can't tell what you see
I wonder do you still see me and what we used to BE??......

Monday, February 20, 2017

Make Love To You

Make Love To You

Can I make love to you??...I mean really Make love to you without our flesh being on top of one 

another....Can I connect with you in ways that others couldn't...Would you allow me to touch you in 

beautiful ways without actually touching you....I just want to make love  to your brain and ride out 

your thoughts...Maybe start kissing on your past..and sucking on your future..or playing with 

yesterday until your tomorrow cums...I want to intertwine with you in the upmost spiritual and 

magical way... I don't want to make love to your body....But to your actual being...Can I make love to 
